Saturday, 4 May 2024, 11:15 PM
Site: International Fine Art Academy
Course: International Fine Art Academy (International Fine Art Academy)
Glossary: Fine Art Glossary


Gallery: a room or series of rooms where works of art are exhibited.


Gesso: A mixture of plaster, chalk, or gypsum bound together with a glue which is applied as a ground or coating to surfaces in order to give them the correct properties to receive paint. Gesso can also be built up or molded into relief designs, or carved.


GIF: an acronym for "Graphic Interchange Format", an image format type generated specifically for computer use. Its resolution is usually very low (72 dpi, or that of your computer screen), making it undesirable for printing purposes.

Gild the lily

Gild the lily: a phrase meaning to add unnecessary ornamentation to something already beautiful.


Gilding: the application of a gold finish. It can be achieved by applying gold leaf, or by using metallic powders.


Glaze: a thin layer of translucent acrylic or oil paint applied to all or part of a painting, to modify the tone or color underneath. Glazing is the process of using this technique.

Gold leaf

Gold leaf: an extremely thin tissue of gold used for gilding.


Gouache: a type of watercolor paint, made heavier and more opaque by the addition of a white pigment (chalk, Chinese white, etc.) in a gum arabic mixture. This results in a stronger color than ordinary watercolor.

Graphic art

Graphic art: two-dimensional art forms such as drawing, engraving, etching and illustration in their various forms.

Graphic design

Graphic design: the applied art of arranging image and text to communicate a message. It may be applied in any media, such as print, digital media, motion pictures, animation, product decoration, packaging, and signs. Graphic design as a practice can be traced back to the origin of the written word, but only in the late 19th century did it become identified as a separate entity.